Sunday, December 5, 2010

Digital Media in Art and Design - Digital Illustration: Car of the Future (apparantly)

In this assignment I was asked to create a digital Illustration for a magazine article useing Adobe Illustrator.  I chose Tomorrows car for Time Magazine.

I chose this image because of it seemed to tick all the boxes for this assignment.  I liked the colour and the shape, It was slick, futuristic and I thought I would get a better understanding of gradients by using this image.  Having been a while since I last used illustrator I forgot about paths work and that you can't just paint bucket multible areas of the same path with different colours and expect the same thing to happen in photoshop.  Only realising this after I drew the whole outline meant I basically had to draw this twice.  But all in all it was well worth the hassle cause I'm pretty happy with it.

Critique: I'm quite happy with the way in turned out, I do think I could have used the gradients a bit more effectively and the pen tool alot more efficiently at the start.
If I was to do this again I would change alot of things especially since wathcing a whole load of tutorial vids during this project.


  1. Your drawing is great, the colour and gradients look really good. I like the way you made it look really shiny

  2. Holy Jesus Mick thats awesome.
    Very sharp and the variation of blues really make it pop!

  3. Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful! homepage
